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13 things to do to end the winter on the right note

It's the end of March, the spring fever is getting stronger, the evenings are getting longer again and the temperatures are climbing more frequently into the double-digit plus degrees. Easter, Whitsun and then summer - the warmest season is getting closer and closer. Winter sourpusses crawl out of their holes more often again, but for winter sports fans this change means one thing: enjoying the last days of winter once more. SPORT 2000 rent presents 13 activities with which you can really enjoy the end of winter.


1. enjoying the sun on the slopes

While the ski resorts are freezing cold at the turn of the year and the slopes are often covered in grey fog, March and April are the best time to glide down the smooth slopes. The sun puts a smile on our faces, the snow is pleasantly soft and the winter landscape shines in a magical glow. Perfect conditions to once again put your skiing skills to the test. The mountain huts with panoramic views are particularly popular places to stop. With delicious specialities, you can really recharge your batteries in the pleasant warmth and enjoy life to the full. The surrounding mountain peaks make for a fascinating landscape. Dressed in spring clothes, we make our way down the slopes - a wonderful experience.

2. dancing on the ice

The natural lakes may have already thawed, but Austria's numerous ice rinks invite you to take a leisurely spin on the ice. Afterwards you can warm up with an oat of mulled wine and enjoy the beautiful nature. Whether with friends, the whole family or with your partner, the ice rinks are a great pre-evening activity for every skating fan.

3. go tobogganing at night

The toboggan runs at the ski resorts are often open well into the spring months. Since it's not as cold in the evenings as it is at the turn of the year, the wind chill doesn't blow in your face as much. Hooded faces enjoy the fresh air, the ambience and, of course, the fun of sledding downhill.

4. bowling on the ice

Curling is becoming increasingly popular - and has long since ceased to be a purely senior citizens' sport. Called curling in new German, you shoot the stick along the track and try to place it as centrally as possible in the target. Whether in tournament mode or as a recreational event, curling is popular with young and old.

5. gliding along the winter landscape

For cross-country skiing, spring is the most beautiful season. In the fresh air and pleasant temperatures, you can recharge your batteries in the sun before switching to your bike.

6. Climbing the summit

The massive snowfall slowly subsides, and snow-covered hiking trails slowly become visible again. The perfect opportunity for tourers to conquer the most beautiful peaks in the Alps. Climbing or mountaineering - properly equipped, the excursion into the mountain landscape becomes an unforgettable experience.

7. have a snowball fight

They are not only popular with our offspring: with the pleasant temperatures and soft snow, the hits in a snowball fight don't hurt as much either. So it's time to really let off steam and then let yourself fall into the snow, completely exhausted.

8. stroll through the winter wonderland

The Alps offer numerous versatile hiking routes that are not only well frequented in summer. In winter, the snow-covered landscapes have a special charm. The rising temperatures also allow for longer walks. Either with a dog, alone or with friends - a walk like this can really clear your head and get you going for spring.

9. Strengthen the immune system

The current flu epidemic has proven once again that the transition from winter to spring is not for the faint-hearted. Sport, sun, a healthy diet and fresh air prepare our immune system for the changeable April. That's why spas are popular at this time of year. The warm-cold change strengthens our body from the inside out and makes us less susceptible.

10. follow in big footsteps

A very common sport decades ago, snowshoeing is now back in full swing. With the right guide, such a walk with the big shoes with spikes becomes a great adventure. Nature reserves are particularly recommended, where you can venture into quiet and secluded plains. Try it out!

11. fatbike riding

A new trend that is now conquering the slopes. Fatbikes are characterised by particularly thick tyres. These allow you to conquer any terrain and promise pleasant cushioning at the same time. However, these monster bikes are not for couch potatoes, because you need a lot of strength in your thighs to move the bike. Once you get going, you can conquer any ski slope with a fat bike.

12. savour the delicacies of winter

Delicious Germknödl are a true Austrian speciality - especially in the cold season. In combination with a refreshing ski water, a fantastic meal. Whether in a ski hut, on the slopes or in the village centre, the dish tastes good everywhere.

13. discover new boards for yourself

The snow is shiny white, the weather is good - so it's the perfect opportunity to switch to new boards. Switch from skiing to snowboarding and vice versa. With the warm temperatures and soft snow, falls are far less painful. Maybe you'll discover a true natural talent in yourself.

We hope that our 13 tips have whetted your appetite for the last breaths of winter. Maybe there's one or two activities you've always wanted to try. SPORT 2000 rent wishes you a relaxed and injury-free rest of the winter and is looking forward to the upcoming season.

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